--------------------- Parent Folder: Klein_201904_10217-194492 --------------------- Files in Initial Data Submission: Kleinetal_DigitalData_repository_April_2019.docx Kleinetal_DigitalData_repository_April_2019.pdf Kleinetal_Synthesis_Data.xlsx --------------------- Date first received: 4/12/19 --------------------- Curator: Mara Sedlins --------------------- Submission Contact Info: Name: Julia Klein Position: Professor Department: Ecosystem Science and Sustainability Office Location: A118 Nesb e-mail/eID: Julia.Klein@colostate.edu phone: 970-491-0874 --------------------- Owner/Author Info (if different): --------------------- Handle/DOI: https://hdl.handle.net/10217/194492 http://dx.doi.org/10.25675/10217/194492 --------------------- Additional Notes from data submission: --------------------- Curator Notes: I made a few changes and additions to the data submission to conform to best practices: I created a preservation-friendly copy of the Excel spreadsheet using the ExcelArchivalTool (http://z.umn.edu/ExcelTool). This created a .csv version of each sheet and a HTML visual snapshot of the formatting (e.g. highlighted cells). This ensures that the data will remain available even in the case of future compatibility issues with Excel. I added a note in the "File information" section of the documentation file to reflect the addition of the above files. I edited the "License information or restrictions placed on the data" section to remove the note about embargoing the data but kept the information about the CC BY 4.0 license. I renamed the documentation file "README.pdf" All of the above files are included as a .zip file called Klein_etal_201904_10217-194492.zip, in accordance with the repository's file naming conventions for data. I added a Description field in the data record: "Data are survey responses collected between 2014-2016 from experts working in 57 different mountain systems around the world, assessing threats to mountain social-ecological systems (MtSES)." Please let me know if this is an accurate reflection of the dataset. Response from depositor (4/12/19): I made one small change to the description field as edited below in red. "Data are survey responses collected between 2014-2016 from experts working in 57 different mountain systems around the world, assessing threats to mountain social-ecological systems (MtSES) and the cross-scale ecosystem services MtSES provide." (red text was "and the cross-scale ecosystem services MtSES provide.")